
The Chicago Urban Hike in August 2014 That Started it All

I volunteer occasionally for cystic fibrosis and I was in charge of a few training hikes for their annual Xtreme Hike every September. This was my first mapped-out urban hike and it was very well received by a pack of about six people who were signed up for the Xtreme Hike. I loved it and I’m excited to do more of this in 2015!

I mapped it in RunKeeper then used Skitch to annotate it. It has all sorts of issues.

I need to improve a bunch of things. First, I completely mislabeled “North Avenue Beach,” which is a breach in proofreading that I can’t tolerate. Second, I need to highlight restrooms because you kind of need those. And finally, this just needs to be a little more robust and fun, with miles and calories and more notes on tourist sites.

That’s just a start. We’ll get there.