
Catching Fire

I went to this movie during the Thanksgiving holiday with my mom, my wife, and two of my nieces, ages eleven and twelve. The movie is pretty cool stuff and comes with a lot of quality tension and anticipation. I didn’t leave saying, “Wow!”, but I was pretty satisfied with the movie-going excursion.

The first movie, The Hunger Games, was better mostly because of the newness and time and place I saw it in. I don’t have any anecdotes to enlighten some of the points of this iteration. The theme and plot are now familiar and it’s moved on to straight action/romance in my mind.

Yes, I look forward to the final installment of this series. Yes, I look forward to maybe watching Harry Potter and Divergent at some point in my life. However, I don’t seem to get everything out of these movies that most do. Sadly, I fear, these young adult movies may leave me lacking in the sensory experience because they soften the explicit scenes. I’ve thought about this and I’m a little concerned about myself.

Not that concerned, because I do watch a fair amount of BBC/PBS drama and I read a lot of books that are slow-paced with very little violence and sex. But when I think of the last few items of screened entertainment that really excited me, specifically Homeland and The Fall, I’m beginning to think that I need some form of warped carnage to really enliven my senses. This could be a sad commentary on my life.