I’ve been on quite a self-help binge lately; what with my whole mastery push for 2009 and now another Gitomer book. I’ve enjoyed this one the most so far because it really ties in with my current thinking. Historically, my way of thinking was that this whole positive attitude stuff was a bunch of bull. In fact, I’ve spent a lifetime counting my failures, lamenting them, and tossing in plenty of self-deprecating humor. This potentially bad attitude certainly hasn’t destroyed my life. And I feel that I’m a relatively well-adjusted adult without the need for an attitude adjustment, but this book was next in the stack of Gitomer books so I cracked it open.
Now, I’m happy to report, I’ve decided to make a practice out of having a more positive attitude. I know, sounds hokey doesn’t it? In fact, that’s how Gitomer starts his book out. He says:
Caution: Attitude is hokey.
One of the reasons so few people study positive attitude is because they read about it and think it’s silly. It’s not silly, it’s hokey. The difference between silly and hokey is: silly is silly, hokey is valid.
Okay, so he’s got me interested. Proof of why this guy is a great salesman.
He preaches reality, he preaches being honest and open about what you know and don’t know. He says:
People who are cocky and arrogant say, “I know that” and move along.
People who are confident and positive ask themselves, “How good am I at that?” and seek to improve.
Then he follows this point up closely with a discussion about concentrating on the fundamentals.
Concentrate on the fundamentals. Ninety-nine percent of all success is achieved that way.
It’s about asking questions, helping others, and believing in yourself, your product, and your company. It’s about establishing long-term relationships and having fun. It’s all fundamentals.
My gosh I like this. I’m in such agreement.
I know that positive thoughts in general are not the first thoughts that pop into my head. But I’m not negative or defeatist; atleast I don’t think I am. So do I really need to change? Well, Gitomer has convinced me that yes, I think I need to change. At a bare minimum, I’m trying it.
He tells you that it’s not a switch you just turn on, that you have to work at it. So I’m going to start working at it. I’m committed to getting up every morning and being fired up to tackle the day – committed to being positive.
Do you know where I see examples of this? Once again, I’m cracking out a golf analogy. It rings true in the PGA. If you’ve studied how those guys talk about their games and their round, they are never, ever negative. Almost to the point of blaming luck, weather, or conditions for bad rounds, anything but their own skills. At times they sound delusional, but the greatest players will always find something positive in their round no matter how poorly they play. THEY CANNOT AFFORD TO LET NEGATIVITY CREEP INTO THEIR GAME. If they do, they are toast. So I think they just coach themselves from a very young age to always, always be confident and positive.
Hey, if you catch me with some negativity, slap me silly until I snap out of it.